Monday, March 22, 2010

Guess what Mr. Grant did for the first time yesterday??!! I had taken him out of his diaper. He KNOWS he isn't suppose to pee, but somehow it escape his memory and he began peeing on the carpet... So I told him to stop and we ran into the bathroom, where he went on the toilet!! THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!! I was so excited for him, and he was excited for himself. I'm not in the biggest hurry, but it was still awesome!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


My little Grant... I never knew that little boys were capable of being such sweet lovable kids, but Grant is!!!He loves to cuddle and give kisses.

He is very loving towards his little sister. Cami is going through this phase, where she wants to be held 24/7 and doesn't sleep unless you are holding her. So, doing things like cooking, cleaning or just breathing, becomes harder because of this. Grant has been such a great help with her.

The other day I put her in a high chair, and a toy in front of her. I turned around to start making dinner and I could hear Grant by her. I turned around and he had her arm, trying to teach her how to play with it. She loves him, and can't keep her eyes off him.

When he lays on the floor with her and just talks to her, it makes being their mom the most rewarding. It's hard having 2 kids 2 years apart, but it's moments like those, that make my days worth it!! I love Grant. He is such an awesome little guy!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A month of first

It seems like I blink and Cami is doing something new!! It is very different with her, than it was with Grant. With Grant, I couldn't wait for him to get to the next stage, and with Cami, I am ok with her taking her time. I enjoy her being small. This past month, Cami, has started eating cereal, laughing, sleeping through the night and rolling over.

I made sure that the first time she ate cereal, Mark was here and could help with that moment.

Of course she had a check up last week, where her dr said she was to heavy and that we needed to start feeding her less and making her go longer between feedings... Uh, how do you tell a baby, "sorry no food for you, even though it's been 3 hours!!??"

But I love her chubby cheeks. She is such a happy baby. Although, she just wants to be held 99% of the time. My poor MIL - and Grant!!

She didn't wait for daddy to come home for the first time she rolled over. She does a lot now, but only when Mark isn't around. I'm amazed at how fast she is growing!! I love being her mommy!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let there be.....

SHEET ROCK!!?? The vanity will be here in a month!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can we just get over this?

Last weekend we went up to Casa Grande to see Kendi's family one last time before they left. When I picked up the kids that Friday, Cami had a wet sounding cough. Then came Saturday. She started acting not like herself.

We came home on Sunday, and Cami was burning up. I, naturally, began to panic. Her temperature was 102 after all. After trying to get a hold on the pediatrician, without success, Mark and I took Cami into the ER in Bisbee. I was very relieved that it was the head ER doctor working, and he did all the test. He made sure that it wasn't this or that. The worst part was watching them try to draw blood! Holy cow, it hurt me more than her!! She was so sick, she just sat there most of the time.

Finally, her temp was down, and we were sent home. She had bronchiolitis. Very hard to watch her have. Ruth and Randy took Grant for the night, and I stayed up with Cami. She didn't improve and we were back in to see the doctor that Tuesday. She put her on some steroids to help open her airways and some antibiotics. And it started working like a charm!

So her older brother wanted to be around like always... He loves her, and wanted to share every thing with her... Including being sick. On Wednesday he had a temperature of 102 and he began shaking. Unable to get in to see his doctor (I see a horrible trend here!!), I took him to urgent care. Where, we were treated by another one of Bisbee's ER doctors (ironic, huh?!?) Come to find out, Grant had RSV. I felt so bad for the little guy. Grant still wasn't getting better though, and on Saturday, he kept telling me "Owie, ear hurt..." So I knew something was wrong with his ear. I took him back to that urgent care, and the same doctor was there! Yes, in deed Grant had 2 infected ears. We got some medicine and went home. When we woke up Sunday Mark asked me if Grant's pillow had blood on it the night before, which of course it didn't. Come to find out his ear drum ruptured. Talk about pain!! He has since started recovering.

This is what my house looks like, when there are 2 sick kids... Did I mention I woke up Sunday really not feeling well?? I went to work yesterday, only to be seen by a doctor and also tested positive for strep throat... Yay... GO AWAY!!

Out with the bad, In with the good!

What a clean refrigerator!! My family is now eating A LOT better! The first day was hard on Mark, he told me he was starving!! But I honestly love eating this way, it makes me feel better!! Note, I bought hummus, I am turning into a hippy!