Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Fun

With summer approaching, I started thinking about what to do with Grant. I didn't want to spend tons of money, but I didn't want to sit around doing nothing. A few months ago I was talking about this to my older sister, Kendi, who gave me the idea (before I saw it on pinterest) to put idea's in a jar and each day, let Grant pull something out, and we do it. With that in mind, I counted out how many weekdays we have until school starts again, and I made a list of things for us to do. Some cost little or nothing to do them. Some are short and require just doing something around the house. Some things require going places and little money. Either way, it gives Grant some thing to do, and some thing fun to remember. We made some rules. He has to clean up before we do them, and he has to be happy. All I can say is that I am extremely excited for this summer, and I hope it works out!
Today, Grant pulled out one to play sports outside... However, the weather wouldn't permit this... so I let him draw again, and it was to paint with fruits and veggies.
I suppose they have you use veggies and fruit, so the kids can eat while they paint ;)
We also made fresh strawberry scones... As you can see, they must have tasted pretty good because we have to make another batch so Mark can taste them =)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 months later....

Wow, today is Grant's last day of preschool. I am excited for our final summer before he goes to school. But I can't help but look back on this past year, and be amazed at how far he has come. Grant can say, and write all of his letters and his numbers. He cuts and he glues. He can say all of the letter sounds. He colors in the lines. He is able to retain and remember so much information. He loves to solve problems, and thinks ways around things. But it is so much more than that. Grant emotionally has grown. I watch him, and am amazed at the handsome young boy he is becoming. Most of the time, we are able to reason with him, and he comprehends things. Two weeks ago I was able to go to his preschool, and after the aids were talking to me about him. How much of a helper he is, and how he helps (& tattles) with his classmates. He wants to be a friend to all, and cares about everyone. At age 4, this kid can say the best prayers. He remembers those that are hurt, and prays for them. He truly is an amazing boy. And I'm proud he is my son.
He still loves to be affectionate with us. He loves to hold Cami's hand, and give us all kisses. He tells me all the time that he loves me. He will still kiss me before getting on the bus, and as soon as he is off the bus, he holds my hand. I am fearful that starting school will hurt this part of him, but I know he is a chosen spirit. He was chosen to come to earth now, and he will help many, myself included. Oh dear Grant, I love you, and am so excited for our summer fun to begin!

She's got... P... Personality...

Out of my three children, Kara, is my most strong willed. That's not to say my other two don't voice their opinions... However, we cannot make Kara do anything she does not want to do. She is a fiery redhead, and has the temperament of one too! Her latest is she wants to be held, all of the time. She crawls around the house with her whimpering cry, as if she's saying, "Hold me mommy, PLEASE!". I know this phase of her wanting me is short, compared to the rest of life.
Kara has the biggest personality though!! I love to watch her with the two older ones. She will scream (not cry) at them until they come over. She is Grant's biggest fan, and loves when he pays attention to her. She is also very sweet, and loves to cuddle (briefly). She also gives the biggest, wettest kisses!
I just realized Kara is 10 months old today!! Wow, time flies. Before I know it, she'll be one, and walking/running around the house with Grant and Cami!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For about a month now, Cami would come to me and say she needed to go potty... And I'd remind her that she was wearing a diaper. So, again, for the second time, I set out to potty train her. I figured she was old enough to understand rewards. But I didn't need to use them. She has had a few accidents, but for the most she has done great! And two and a half weeks later, she is still in underwear!