Thursday, June 24, 2010

A lesson from my 2, ALMOST 3, year old

If you have talked to me in the past month, you have probably figured out that my life with Grant is getting pretty hard. I am not sure where I have gone wrong, or where I have failed, but he has pushed me to breaking points. I have found myself distraught and looking for quick or easy solutions. Naturally, ones that I know deep down are not the answer. Truth is, I love this little guy, but some days I find I can't do it. This past Tuesday was one of the harder days, and I found myself glad that he had a room that I could put him in. On Wednesday we started out on a bad foot. But I was determined to make it and to also make it a good day. I am slowly learning that Grant mimics what I do, and if I lose control, he does too.

Wednesday came to a close, and it was good. I had hurt my foot pretty bad on a door, and he told me he was sorry, no prompt from me. This was the first time ever that he showed an emotion like that!!

Today was my Birthday. I don't expect everyone to make a fuss over it, but I wanted a certain someone to at least make me feel special. It didn't happen. Yes, the cry baby that I am, sat in my room crying over some stupid day. Grant came in and sat next to me and asked if my leg hurt. I told him no, that my heart hurt. He then put his hand on my chest and said, hurt? I told him yes, and he asked for a hug. Wow. He felt that I was in pain. He quickly got down and left the room. Moments later he returned with a glass of water that he had gotten me. I just hugged him, and was so glad I hadn't given up on him, and that he hadn't given up on me.

I learned some thing from him today. Love. Love doesn't mean that things are always going to be perfect. I am a cry baby, and I whine about things. But it doesn't change the fact that I have a wonderful family, who I love dearly.

Tomorrow will be even better, because I know I can make it.


Angela said...

Wow. That was beautiful. I struggle with my children too, but the most important thing is that you don't give up and keep trying! It doesn't hurt to have those tender mommy moments with a child every now and then to boost you up :) Thanks for sharing, I felt the spirit so strongly while reading your post. Happy late birthday!

bingham 5 said...

Happy Belated Birthday Rae!

This reminds me a lot of Ty. He is a pain in the butt, but when he wants to be sweet he is.

Just a warning, 3 is so much worse!

Alison Hixson said...

I agree with Annie. Three is tough!!! Enjoy two while you can!! Sweet story. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way about my kids, drew is my hard one.

Darcee said...

Challenging children are. . .well, challenging. Everyday. At least for me, it takes more strength than I have to deal with it-- especially day in and day out. Lucky for them they are so dang cute and have mommas who love them no matter what, otherwise ebay would be filled with challenging children (well, that and the fact that it would be slightly illegal!) Hang in there. . .you're not alone.