Thursday, April 28, 2011

A week behind us

You know ALL those things you don't want your kids to eat?? Yeah, it's all Grant has/will eat... He asks for chips and crackers, but I'm to paranoid to let him.

It's been a rough week. And I have found that the lack of sleep for me has made it harder for me to deal with things. Last night I thought for sure he was bleeding. I got online to see what it says about it. Bad, BAD idea!! It scared me sleepless for the next 6 months!!! Surprisingly, Grant did better last night. He has NOT wanted to take the Tylenol 3 that was prescribed for him, so I'd been giving him regular Tylenol. The medical assistant told me yesterday to force him to take the prescription... Yeah, obviously she's never had a kid. Today he is drinking and seems to be acting a little more like himself, or at least I'm back to telling him no on things he shouldn't be doing. I'm just hoping the next month passes quickly, so I can stop worrying about him bleeding!!

His trip to the ER on Saturday. Which I think helped him a ton!!

1 comment:

John and Jessica Tilton said...

The pics of Grant are so sad! Poor little guy, what an ordeal. Kids that young should NEVER EVER have to hurt. And trying to deal with that with all your hormones. Sheesh, you poor woman! Anyways, hope things are back to 'normal' by now. Good luck.